Saturday, November 14, 2015

Vegetable Gardening with Containers way

Gardening Tips - Gardening is a very popular hobby that can please you. Vegetable gardening can be more than just a hobby, and a source of fresh food for your family. However, what do you do if you do not have a large area, or even do not have gardening space at all?

Many residents of apartments and condominiums enjoy gardening through the use of container. The pots can be placed at the front door of the house, patio, or balcony - any place that received sunlight is a place that can be used for gardening in containers.

Vegetable Gardening with Containers way

Here are some instructions on how to get started.

  • Choose the right plants

There are plants that grow better in containers than others, so think carefully about what you want. Major crops such as corn or pumpkins are difficult planted in containers, while plants that require a small space such as carrots or turnips are a good choice. Beans, tomatoes, lettuce, and herbs are another popular choice.
  • Choose the container

Not surprisingly, bigger is usually better when you're choosing a container. Small containers dry faster, so it will need more attention. Large containers can accommodate many types of plants at the same time. Choose plants that require the amount of water and light are the same, and they will be neighbors in harmony. You can use any type of container as long as there are drainage. If you have something that you want to recycle into container vegetables but do not have drains, you just simply make a few holes in the bottom. For additional assistance, you can also put a layer of rock at the bottom of the container before adding the soil.
  • Choose the right soil

Purchase a good quality potting soil rather than using soil from the yard. Most potting soil containing fertilizers will be necessary for plants to grow well, and you will not need fertilizer until many months ahead. Potting soil also contain other ingredients that help keep it loose and not solid. You also will not inadvertently carry pests or insects to your small garden.
  • Choose your fertilizer

When it is time to cultivate the plant, choose the right type of fertilizer for vegetables, rather than for flowers or house plants. A good source of fertilizer and free is to use water from the aquarium when it has begun to dirty.
  • Choose between seeds or small plants

You have a choice between planting seeds or small plants. Seed is almost always cheaper, but small plants gives you faster early to harvest. There are plants, such as carrots and turnips, which are best grown from seed.
  • Choose a place with plenty of sunshine

Most vegetables are like a lot of sunshine. Rotate the container as necessary, in accordance with the amount of sun or shade you have.

Gardening with containers have the advantage over traditional gardening when I have to face the bad weather. If you hear there will be heavy rain, you can bring the plant into the house until the rain stops. In some areas, you can extend the harvest for longer than you would normally expect.

Start with container gardening, and you will be able to enjoy fresh produce at a low cost.

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