Friday, November 20, 2015

Rice Planting way Correctly

Agriculture - Most Asian societies consume rice, to meet the needs of carbohydrates. This means that demand for rice as the basic ingredient of rice is still very necessary, for the majority of the Indonesian people. Therefore, the chances of rice cultivation is still very, and will continue to be promising. Concomitant increase in the number of residents in each country in Asia.

You have to know how to grow rice is good and right, to be able to produce crops are encouraging. Should plant rice done really - really, is not only used as a side busyness. So you really - really take care of your rice plants with a maximum, of course in order to produce a bountiful harvest.

Usually farmers in Java after rice is grown in the fields, they then wander into town became a construction worker for several months while waiting for the harvest. Precisely this is what causes their yields less than the maximum. Rice plants are not well cared for, pests and diseases are unknown, abandoned by their owners due to migrate to the city.

It is indeed not entirely wrong Farmers. Government seem less concerned with the welfare Farmers also took part there, so farmers prefer berurbanisasi to the city to meet the needs of the kitchen. Long-term effects of our own was felt. What is now Indonesia has been importing rice from Vietnam and Thailand although he said Indonesia is the State Agricultural.

So that you are successful harvest and abundant, learn how to plant rice the following carefully:

1. Soil treatment 

  • The first step is how to plant rice, clear the land of weeds and undergrowth with a machete, collect after it was burned.
  • Land flow with water to facilitate the process of piracy in order to obtain land soil loose and soft. This processing can use a tractor, plow power assisted cow or buffalo, or using a hoe.
  • After the loose soil, flood the area with water until the water reaches a height of 5-10 cm. How to regulate the water level can be a way to open and close access exit and entry of irrigation. Let stand for 2 weeks stagnant water so that the soil is getting muddy, and poison the soil neutralized by the water.
For more details, you can see picture below how to plant rice, in the processing of land.

Soil Treatment

2. Superior Seed Selection

How to plant the next rice after the land is prepared, choosing a winning candidate seeds so your rice yields in line with expectations. You can tell if the rice seedlings superior or not by:
  • Soak the rice seeds about - about 100 eggs in the water for approximately 2 hours.
  • Put the seeds that have been soaked on cloth that has been dampened, then count the seeds that germinated. If the germination is more than 90 grains, it means that the seeds of high quality and suitable for use as seed rice cultivation you.
To know how to plant rice seedlings seeds are good, you can see below

Rice Seeds Soaked

3. Seedbed

How to plant the next rice seeds after elected, is the nursery stage. For that several steps you can take are as follows:
  • Soak rice seeds during the day and night, drain and leave for 2 days to germinate
  • Prepare seedbed approximately 500 m2 for every 1 hectare of rice fields. Try to keep the seedbed conditions remain watery or muddy.
  • Give fertilizer on a seedbed with a dose of 10 g of urea plus 10 grams of TSP (the dose for each 1 m2 seedbed).
  • Plant seeds that have germinated rice earlier in the prepared seedbed. How to plant rice seed is sprinkled evenly with the seeding of land, which you have prepared.
Look at pictures of seed, you need to know as step way of planting rice seedlings.

Seedbed Rice

4. Stages How To Grow

The next stage in the way of growing rice after the process is a nursery seedlings, planting phase of the rice seedlings, into the rice fields that have been prepared.

Step-by-step how to plant rice, namely by transferring seedlings from the nursery to the wetland. Here are the steps how to plant rice you need to consider:
  • Seedlings ready for planting is to be young. Character is new, leafy seedlings two to three strands, and the planting of seedlings should be no more than 2 weeks (ideal 12 days).
  • How to grow rice in the planting hole, can be done by a single double mupun. One hole, for a maximum of two crop plants.
  • The process of planting rice seedlings the good that is, land in stagnant water conditions, depth of planting between 1-15 cm, not too deep, the roots betuk like the letter (L), so that the roots can grow perfectly.
A good way of growing rice should be done in parallel and tidy. For more details, you can refer to the image below:

Stages How To Grow
We recommend how to plant rice in one year, worked two phases, the first in October and the second in mid-April media.

5. weeding Land

Cleaning of paddy fields from weeds and weeds that interfere, is an important step that must be done in the way of growing rice is good and right.

Weeding can be started at the age of the planting period was the age of 3 weeks and, following routine weeding once every 3 weeks. Weeding is recommended by pulling weeds or weeds by hand or using a tool.

6. Fertilization

The perfect way of growing rice can not be separated from the stage of fertilizer that Rice can grow perfectly planted and bear much fruit. To stage the fertilizer can provide by way of:
  • The first stages of fertilization, you do while the plant is 7-15 days after planting. Type of fertilizer that you can use are Urea and TSP. Dose 100: 50 Kg / Hectare.
  • Fertilization stage to the two made when plants are 25-30 days old. You use the type of urea fertilizer 50 kg / ha and Phonska 100 kg / ha.
  • And last fertilization to three, plant age 40-45 days. You still use urea, and added Za. The dose is 50: 50 Kg / Ha

7. Rice Plant Protection Against Pests

Some pests that attack rice plants, such as mice, cricket - cricket, javelin, belalalng, walang rice pest, until the hopper. The recommended pest control is the natural way that maintains predators that can inhibit the development of the pest in question.

Thus the extermination of snakes in the area of rice fields that are considered harmful to humans is actually the action is not appropriate, because in fact the snake habitat can suppress proliferation of rat that can interfere with your rice plants.

Rice Plant Protection Against Pests
Natural pest control is safe enough, for the survival of natural ecosystems. However, if the pest can not be resolved, then as a final step you can use pesticides.

8. Harvest Time

Sign - a sign that the rice crop was ready for harvest are as follows:
  • Grain already yellow
  • Fruit rice already look down because it was filled with rice.

The harvesting process can use a serrated sickle and striper. To avoid losing significant yield rice yields are attempting Harvest between you timely, and immediately Ruin paddy after harvesting. Also use mats or tarpaulins as the base so that rice yields are not spread where - where.

Here is a picture of rice ready for harvest and the harvesting process, as a final step how to grow rice.
Harvest Rice Time
Similarly, how to plant rice is good and right, so that you will get the results in line with expectations. Let Budayakan rice planting a good way, so that the results are plentiful, and the State we can be self-sufficient in rice, no import!

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