Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Benefits of Paprika & Cultivation Method

Gardening Tips & Cultivation - Paprika can be regarded as a commodity vegetable upper middle class. Because most frequently consume are fancy restaurants and luxury hotels that serve dishes made from peppers.

Paprika has not been consumed by many people in the country because it has not memasyarakatnya pepper and still a little kind of typical Indonesian dishes that use pepper beside it is still relatively expensive compared with the usual great chili.

Paprika continues to increase demand mainly from the supplier hotel, restaurant, catering and supermarkets in big cities who still feel a shortage of supply. Development of tourism sector make hotel and restaurant become increasingly large and the number of foreign visitors who average food they use paprika.

Benefits of Paprika & Cultivation Method
Paprika is a bright prospect for the commodity market opportunity is still wide and the price is quite high compared to other vegetable commodities. This is because farmers are seeking peppers are still very few in number. In the area of 1 hectare can be produced 5 s / d 10 tons of peppers. Peppers can be used as a profitable business opportunity.

Benefits & Use Peppers

Paprika belongs to the class of non-spicy chili. Paprika is widely used as a raw material mainly used for cooking dishes of raw materials abroad. Paprika has a spicy flavor because no Capsicin content of a substance that creates a feeling of spicy chili.

Paprika is rich in carotene, vitamin B and vitamin C. The nutrient content contained in peppers per 100 grams of fresh green fruit is: 0,9g protein, fat 0,3g, 4,4g carbohydrates, Ca 7,0mg, 0,4mg Fe, 22mg P, 540 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 22,0mg, 0,002mg of vitamin B2, Niacin 0.4 adan 160mg of vitamin C. Paprika also contains ascorbic acid nutritional value per 100 grams of peppers 29 milligrams calories, 11 milligrams of potassium, 870 IU vitamin, riboflafin 0.03 milligrams, 0.05 milligrams of Niacin.

Brief Raising Peppers

Paprika belonged chilli plants but do not have a spicy flavor because it contains no Capsicin. Paprika has many types, among others: Wonder Bell, Takii ace, Jumbo sweet, Green Horn, Skipper, Colombo, Marengo etc. The most commonly cultivated in Indonesia is Wonder bell, skipper and blue star because its shape resembles a bell and a large fruit.

Paprika including crops that can be grown in the highlands with an altitude of 700-1000 asl with humidity around 80%. Paprika plant can grow well in sandy loam soil conditions with suitable pH 6 - 7. Plant peppers require optimum temperature for growth is between 18 s / d 23 degrees Celsius.

When cultivated peppers must be considered the type of media, if the land for planting including heavy soil it must be done beforehand piracy. Seedbed surface to be planted should be loose or crumbs. To inhibit weed growth given mulch beds after basic fertilization. Liming is done together as a basic fertilization.

Paprika seedlings seedlings planted after the age of approximately 21 days and leafy 5-7 strands and is strong enough to be moved dilahan planting. Planting is done in the afternoon above 16.00 or 06.00 s / d 0 8:00. Meant that the plants did not experience stress due to hit the sun.
Paprika at the time of germination must be kept moisture in order to get a good seed when the nursery. If the nutrient and water will be stunted peppers especially at the beginning of the growth and flowering. Young paprika highly favored by insects, while the age of 3 days carried out by spraying with a contact insecticide smelling.

The peppers are very sensitive to high light intensity so as to obtain optimum results, during its growth should be given shade. Plants that given shade result more give weight. Paprika is a plant that is tolerant to a shortage of light rays of the sun. Shade can use plastic or plants rather high as a protector.

Paprika has an enemy in the form of disease onset are influenced climate and plants that are too humid. Pests and diseases that attack the pepper plant is almost equal to the pests and diseases that attack the chilies are another type of plant. Pest control is done mechanically and chemically, disease control was done chemically.

Pests that attack Pprika is Thrips sp, aphids (aphids gossypii), mites (poypbagotarsonemuslatus), whiteflies (white fly), while illnesses are Pythium sp, Rhizoctonia sp, Fusarium sp and sp Cercospora addition there are also physiological illnesses such as Blossom end root.

Peppers begin to be harvested at the age of two months from planting. Harvesting is done for ripe fruit and ripe green color. To determine the hardness and thickness of the fruit is done with a massage. The fruit is ready for harvest will be ringing when a knock and did not change when pressed. The peppers are picked with fruit stalk. The average weight of the fruit harvest of 200 s / d 250 grams.

Paprika once harvested fruit should be stored so that the quality remains guaranteed before reaching the hands of consumers. Storage-room with a temperature of 7-10 degrees Celsius is very good for maintaining the quality paprika.

Criateria For The Supply Of Peppers

Paprika local market demand is ripe peppers. Criteria green peppers are ripe green fruit glossy, hard fruit meat thick, easily removed from the stalk, not defective and free of pests and diseases.
Paprika with requests fruits harvested ripe fruit has the color is evenly colored, thick flesh, not defective and free of pests and diseases. Paprika has many fruit colors namely red peppers, yellow, green, white and purple.

Paprika to be supplied must be sorted first by grade. A class is a fruit paprika peppers with disabilities do not form normal conditions and has a weight of 150-250 g / fruit. Paprika is a class B pepper seamless weighing between 80-150 g / fruit.

Paprika after the grade to be packed. Noteworthy in the packing process is packaging used, the amount of fruit in containers, packaging and packing way the number of stacks of packaging that can be tolerated in order not to damage the fruit transport. Paprika local market demand baskets packed using an air-air aeration well.

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