Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to Plant a Seed Raising Orchids in bottles

Gardening Tips - Orchid is one of the flowering plants is much preferred by people, especially women. This is because orchids are very pretty and again there are many kinds of orchids with beautiful shapes as well. Orchid itself serves to beautify the home page. How to grow orchids is diverse. Ie there is how to grow orchids in the bottle, and there is also in the soil. The selling price of this bottle orchid seeds also vary in the market in the range 25rb - 30rb per bottle at the farm kiosk.

How to orchid cultivation in the bottle is first breeding process first. Select orchid seeds bottled good and healthy as seen from the shape of a strong trunk, the leaves are lush, dense and beautiful flowers. Then do sterilization orchid flower seeds. This sterilization should be done first before distributing seeds orchid seeds in bottles. Concerning the procedures for taking care of flowers this orchid species already we build separate article.

How to Plant a Seed Raising Orchids in bottles

For how sterilization orchid seeds in bottles made by means that create a water solution of chlorine in advance the number of doses of 100 cc of water to 10 grams of chlorine. Chlorine and filtered water using filter paper. After that orchid seeds with a solution of chlorine had been inserted into the bottle. Then the bottle digojong until orchid seed color change from yellow to greenish color. The duration of approximately 10 minutes. After that a solution of chlorine discharged water and replace distilled water. Then gojog back. Do it repeatedly up to 2-3 times. After that, how to grow orchids from the next bottle is doing sterilizing bottles by heating above the neck of the bottle so that the bacteria lost mixed spirits. And enter orchid seeds by using a clean pipette into the bottle. After the heat again bottles that have been filled over the methylated orchid seeds. Then close again.

How to grow orchids from the bottle for sterilization has been completed. Furthermore, the process of seeding. The first step that orchid seeds have been a good first using a microscope. If it is empty, the color is white. If it contains means that the color is brown / yellow / other colors. Then prepare the bottle size is wide and also clean. Choose a color that is not so sunlight can get into the bottle and can be seen clearly that the growth of orchid seeds.

orchid seeds in bottles

Afterwards close the bottle with cotton rolled until hard. Tied with a rope at the edges for easy when released later. Close the bottle tightly closed in order to avoid the entry of bacteria or fungi that plants are not contaminated or infected. Orchid cultivation ways in which to prepare the next bottle glass cabinets clean of fungus or bacteria with alcohol or methylated sprayed beforehand. Give tablet formalin to avoid contamination. How to grow orchids from seed seeding bottle to section already completed.

Next is how to grow orchids from the bottle to make a part of the growing media. Usually made planting medium for orchids using prescription Khudson C (Northen) 12. Namely:
  • Ca (NO3) 2H2O   : 1 gram
  • MgSD47H2D       : 0.25 grams 
  • KH2PO4             : 0.25 grams
  • (NH4) 2SO4        : 0.25 grams
  • FeSO4 4 H2O     : 0.25 grams
  • Saccharose         : 20 grams
  • MnSO4               : 0.0075 grams
  • Distilled water      : 1000 cc 
  • Jelly                    : 15 to 17.5 grams

The next step in how to grow orchids in the bottle is moving seeds from a bottle to a seeding pot. After the orchid in the bottle has grown, move the seedlings into pots that have been drilled. Give broken tiles on the bottom and also pieces of brown fern roots sized 5-30 mm. Planting medium should be washed before use and water until it disappears. Done washed, fern roots soaked in a mixture of media for approximately 24 hours. The media mix consisting of urea / ZA as much as 0, 50 grams. DS, TS or ES as much as 0, 25 g, 0, 25 grams of potassium sulphate, 1000 cc of water. Similarly, how to care for orchids of the bottle and how to plant it. Hope it is useful.

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