Thursday, November 12, 2015

How To Plant and Benefots of Pumpkin Yellow

Gardening Tips & Cultivation - Yellow pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) is one of the agricultural commodities that can be cultivated as an alternative food. This is due in addition to the pumpkin has many carbohydrate content are also rich in vitamins A and C. In addition, the fruit is also called squash or pumpkin's machete, contains several substances that are very useful for health, such as substance-shaped carotenoids beta-carotene, which functions to protect eyes from cataracts attacks, protecting the body against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dysentery, fever, kidney, and diarrhea, as well as containing antidote.

How To Plant and Benefots of Pumpkin Yellow

Pumpkin is a type of creeping plant that has five species of pumpkin, namely
  • Cucurbita maxima Duchenes,
  • Cucurbita mixta,
  • Cucurbita Ficifolia Bouche,
  • Cucurbita pipo L, and Cucurbita moschata Duchenes.

The fifth type of gourd called a pumpkin (pumpkin) due to have characteristics similar.

How To Plant Pumpkin Yellow Good And Right

These plants can actually grow in a variety of places, ranging from temperate regions to the cold heat. However, growth would be maximized if grown in the tropics, from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. This plant has a good adaptability to the conditions of warm temperatures 18-27o.

Plants can be propagated in generative and vegetative land can be planted in fields, yards, also in the post-harvest paddy rice, both cultivated specifically and intercropping. Plants which are still not widely cultivated individually, have stems that creep up to 5-10 meters.

The stem is strong enough, has many branches and hairy rather sharply. Medium yellow squash fruits have an average weight of 3-5 kg, are known to have a very thick rind and hard, and can last for 6 months if the fruit stalk is left intact.

Pumpkin crop cultivation may be fairly easy, either at the time of planting and during treatment to harvest. Given that the plant is practically not require special treatment, in addition to a resistance to pests and diseases. To cultivate the pumpkin, the steps are as follows:

1. Breeding

Make sure the seeds are of good quality. To obtain quality seeds, conducted by the way;
  1. Choosing a pumpkin fruit of an age old enough.
  2. Fruit flask is then cut crosswise to its nut.
  3. The seeds are then washed and dried in the sun for approximately 3-4 days.
  4. After drying, seed moisture content will be approximately 8-10%.
The dried seed has been able to be used for seed. However, if you do not want to use it to seed directly, or want to keep it for a long time, the seed or seed must be packaged in paper or better yet use aluminum foil packaging, because it has properties airtight. Storage would be better if the air contained in the aluminum foil packaging, sucked out using a vacuum such as a vacuum, so that the initial seed moisture content can be maintained.

How To Plant Pumpkin Yellow Good And Right

Seed-wrapped packs are then stored in jars or containers that have been given a desiccant material, such as charcoal, silica gel, or ash. Become better if the storage is done in a place that has a temperature and humidity can be set (t = 18 ° C; RH = 30%).

2. Planting

Planting process begins with making the planting hole with a diameter of 25 cm and depth of 20 cm. Each planting hole given 5 kg of manure or compost as basal fertilizer. The fertilizer is mixed with the soil excavated to form a small mound. A week after the mound was formed, did the planting by immersing 2 pumpkin seeds. Seeds or pumpkin seeds are then planted with rice husk ash dusted or kitchen, in order to avoid pest snails and worms. Abu kitchen used to plant growth reaches a height of 25 cm.

3. Maintenance

Pumpkins are growing the stem will continue to elongate, as well as branches. If the tendrils of the stems and branches are allowed to propagate in the soil, this plant actually still be fruitful, but the quantity and quality of the fruit can not be maximized. Because it takes pillar-pillar and the rack as a creeping vine trunks and branches, as well as a fruit of the gourd bergelayutnya machete.

As already mentioned above, that weighting pumpkin machete ranged between 3-5 kg, then the rack that was made to be really strong, because each plant can produce up to 10 pieces. To make each-the strong, how to;
  • Melanjarkan bamboo pieces measuring 2 m. Bamboo is planted into the ground as deep as 0.5 meters and the rest is used for the pole-para.
  • High-pole of the made about the size of a man's height or 1.5 meters above ground level with the aim to facilitate the maintenance of the plant. Given the number of fruits and fruit weighs pumpkins produced per plant, then to the stem of the plant takes four pillars and a pillar.

During the maintenance period, doing some things like the treatment;

How To Plant Pumpkin Yellow Good And Right
  • Weeding
Weeding planted area 2-3 times, from weeds. Weeding can be done when the plant was 10 days, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks. At the time the plants aged 3 weeks and 6 weeks, in addition weeded plants should also be dibumbun.
  • Fertilization
For fertilization, plant pumpkins anymore does not need fertilizer during the maintenance period. But if allowed to continue to grow and produce more than 6 months, then in order to keep productivity high, every 3 months should be an additional form of manure or compost as much as 5 kg for each plant.

4.Masa Harvest

Plants can be harvested pumpkins start at the age of 50-60 days after planting. Harvesting can be done continuously at intervals of 2-3 times per week. Pumpkin ripe fruit has a yellow color to the fruit stalk has dried. How to squash harvest is done by cutting the stems using the knife.

Happy Gardening and Good Luck. . .

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