Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Benefits of Paprika & Cultivation Method

Gardening Tips & Cultivation - Paprika can be regarded as a commodity vegetable upper middle class. Because most frequently consume are fancy restaurants and luxury hotels that serve dishes made from peppers.

Paprika has not been consumed by many people in the country because it has not memasyarakatnya pepper and still a little kind of typical Indonesian dishes that use pepper beside it is still relatively expensive compared with the usual great chili.

Paprika continues to increase demand mainly from the supplier hotel, restaurant, catering and supermarkets in big cities who still feel a shortage of supply. Development of tourism sector make hotel and restaurant become increasingly large and the number of foreign visitors who average food they use paprika.

Benefits of Paprika & Cultivation Method
Paprika is a bright prospect for the commodity market opportunity is still wide and the price is quite high compared to other vegetable commodities. This is because farmers are seeking peppers are still very few in number. In the area of 1 hectare can be produced 5 s / d 10 tons of peppers. Peppers can be used as a profitable business opportunity.

Benefits & Use Peppers

Paprika belongs to the class of non-spicy chili. Paprika is widely used as a raw material mainly used for cooking dishes of raw materials abroad. Paprika has a spicy flavor because no Capsicin content of a substance that creates a feeling of spicy chili.

Paprika is rich in carotene, vitamin B and vitamin C. The nutrient content contained in peppers per 100 grams of fresh green fruit is: 0,9g protein, fat 0,3g, 4,4g carbohydrates, Ca 7,0mg, 0,4mg Fe, 22mg P, 540 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 22,0mg, 0,002mg of vitamin B2, Niacin 0.4 adan 160mg of vitamin C. Paprika also contains ascorbic acid nutritional value per 100 grams of peppers 29 milligrams calories, 11 milligrams of potassium, 870 IU vitamin, riboflafin 0.03 milligrams, 0.05 milligrams of Niacin.

Brief Raising Peppers

Paprika belonged chilli plants but do not have a spicy flavor because it contains no Capsicin. Paprika has many types, among others: Wonder Bell, Takii ace, Jumbo sweet, Green Horn, Skipper, Colombo, Marengo etc. The most commonly cultivated in Indonesia is Wonder bell, skipper and blue star because its shape resembles a bell and a large fruit.

Paprika including crops that can be grown in the highlands with an altitude of 700-1000 asl with humidity around 80%. Paprika plant can grow well in sandy loam soil conditions with suitable pH 6 - 7. Plant peppers require optimum temperature for growth is between 18 s / d 23 degrees Celsius.

When cultivated peppers must be considered the type of media, if the land for planting including heavy soil it must be done beforehand piracy. Seedbed surface to be planted should be loose or crumbs. To inhibit weed growth given mulch beds after basic fertilization. Liming is done together as a basic fertilization.

Paprika seedlings seedlings planted after the age of approximately 21 days and leafy 5-7 strands and is strong enough to be moved dilahan planting. Planting is done in the afternoon above 16.00 or 06.00 s / d 0 8:00. Meant that the plants did not experience stress due to hit the sun.
Paprika at the time of germination must be kept moisture in order to get a good seed when the nursery. If the nutrient and water will be stunted peppers especially at the beginning of the growth and flowering. Young paprika highly favored by insects, while the age of 3 days carried out by spraying with a contact insecticide smelling.

The peppers are very sensitive to high light intensity so as to obtain optimum results, during its growth should be given shade. Plants that given shade result more give weight. Paprika is a plant that is tolerant to a shortage of light rays of the sun. Shade can use plastic or plants rather high as a protector.

Paprika has an enemy in the form of disease onset are influenced climate and plants that are too humid. Pests and diseases that attack the pepper plant is almost equal to the pests and diseases that attack the chilies are another type of plant. Pest control is done mechanically and chemically, disease control was done chemically.

Pests that attack Pprika is Thrips sp, aphids (aphids gossypii), mites (poypbagotarsonemuslatus), whiteflies (white fly), while illnesses are Pythium sp, Rhizoctonia sp, Fusarium sp and sp Cercospora addition there are also physiological illnesses such as Blossom end root.

Peppers begin to be harvested at the age of two months from planting. Harvesting is done for ripe fruit and ripe green color. To determine the hardness and thickness of the fruit is done with a massage. The fruit is ready for harvest will be ringing when a knock and did not change when pressed. The peppers are picked with fruit stalk. The average weight of the fruit harvest of 200 s / d 250 grams.

Paprika once harvested fruit should be stored so that the quality remains guaranteed before reaching the hands of consumers. Storage-room with a temperature of 7-10 degrees Celsius is very good for maintaining the quality paprika.

Criateria For The Supply Of Peppers

Paprika local market demand is ripe peppers. Criteria green peppers are ripe green fruit glossy, hard fruit meat thick, easily removed from the stalk, not defective and free of pests and diseases.
Paprika with requests fruits harvested ripe fruit has the color is evenly colored, thick flesh, not defective and free of pests and diseases. Paprika has many fruit colors namely red peppers, yellow, green, white and purple.

Paprika to be supplied must be sorted first by grade. A class is a fruit paprika peppers with disabilities do not form normal conditions and has a weight of 150-250 g / fruit. Paprika is a class B pepper seamless weighing between 80-150 g / fruit.

Paprika after the grade to be packed. Noteworthy in the packing process is packaging used, the amount of fruit in containers, packaging and packing way the number of stacks of packaging that can be tolerated in order not to damage the fruit transport. Paprika local market demand baskets packed using an air-air aeration well.

Monday, November 23, 2015

How to Plant a Tree Flamboyan with Flowers The Beauty

Gardening Tips - Flamboyant or flame trees is one of the trees that have beautiful flowers. This tree comes from Madagascar, Africa and including the shade of large trees and has a beautiful flower. This tree will blossom flowers in spring and summer. Benefits flamboyant trees that looks like an umbrella and have flowers with bright colors of red, orange, and yellow are used as an ornamental shade and atmosphere because of its beauty. This tree is very suitable if planted in Indonesia because Indonesia has a tropical climate and no winters, so the flame trees can bloom every year in the summer. How to plant flamboyant is not too difficult, the tree is also no need extra care.

Flame trees often referred to as the Royal Flamboyan, there are also who gave the name of the fire tree. Given the name because the fire tree at the top of the tree will grow flowers in red like fire. Adalagi another name of this flamboyant tree that royal Ponciana. For the flamboyant tree planting is not difficult, the planting of flamboyant very easy. Usually when the flame trees will be planted early problem that arises is how to make seed flamboyant turn into sprouts. This becomes a problem because the flamboyant seed has great form and sealed. If you just plant it with mediocre guaranteed planted seeds will not grow flamboyant.

How to Plant a Tree Flamboyan with Flowers The Beauty

To overcome this problem can be solved in two ways. The two ways you can choose one to begin the cultivation of the flamboyant tree in your home. The first way is to rub the flamboyant seeds with sandpaper for a few seconds on all sides. Then after sanded soaked in water for one night. After soaking the seeds will peel the outer skin, then planting the seeds directly in pots. You can also use the second way is to soak the seeds in warm water for approximately 24 hours. Then planted in pots. Both this way everything can be proved and will succeed. If successful in seeding flame trees will grow within 4 to 6 days. How to grow flamboyant early planting is a bit difficult but so will be easy.

How to plant flamboyant also should pay attention to soil pH and levels of humidity. PH soil to plant this flamboyant tree is about 5, 6 to 6, 0. flamboyant tree is also very suitable planting in tropical climates. Flame trees can also be grown in the dry season. No matter if planted in a hot and salty area because of this tree can grow with adequate water supply during the summer. The thing to remember is the flame trees will not grow during the cold and snowy winter. Snow will only hinder the growth of the flamboyant tree cultivation and can even make a flamboyant roots to rot.

Flowers Flamboyan

The flame trees included in a large tree, every year can grow up to five meters. How to grow flamboyant very easy and maintenance is easy. Because the tree is fast growing up you can do the cutting that tree still looks beautiful. When cut off the top, you can directly shape it into such a big canopy. Having grown up this tree does not require much maintenance and can be used for shelter and also a picnic with family. Because the shape of a large tree can also be used to create a tree house.

This flamboyant cultivation should be done in a broad and not adjacent to the building mainly houses. The root of the flame trees are many and large, if planted near the house and has already reached a large size is feared could damage the houses. How to plant flamboyant most important is to make sure the trees get water and adequate sunlight in order to stay alive.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cherry Tomato Cultivation way in the Pot

Cultivation - Tomatoes are a popular vegetable among planted in the yard of the house and can bear fruit throughout the year display and how to plant tomato plants is quite easy. If you do not have a yard, no need to worry because you can grow tomatoes in pots. One of the types of tomatoes are popular and are often grown in pots that cherry tomatoes. Not only has the form of a tiny, cherry tomatoes are also delicious when combined in a salad.

The benefits and functions of tomatoes not only around complementary herbs or pelezat food. In addition to the benefits of the famous tomato fruit juice can aid the digestive system, the benefits of tomatoes for a face mask is also very significant result because it contains lycopene which serves to prevent tissue kerusakanan skin caused by ultraviolet light from the sun.

Cherry Tomato Cultivation way in the Pot
Based on morphology, tomato plants are distinguished on various types and although this cultivation method can be applied in almost all types of tomato plants, the following guide we explain cherry tomato plant in a pot:

Tomato Plant Morphology

1. Place the cherry tomato plant pots in locations exposed to sunlight, but is protected from strong winds.
Strong winds can damage and downed leaves, breaks, destroys flower and fruit shed. Cherry tomatoes grow best at temperatures from 21.1 to 26.6 degrees Celsius.
2. Give the tomato cages around the young tomato plants. Tomato cage can be made of wire and must have sufficient space for the wire between your hands.
Grow the cherry tomatoes in pots which are given enclosure allows plants to grow naturally without pruning.
In addition, the enclosure can also prevent the plants from predators such as snails.
3. Pour the cherry tomato plants whenever the soil begins to dry look. Pour water over the soil to flow out of the bottom of the pot.
In this way not soaked leaves, but land that get extra water.
The leaves are wet for long periods can lead to rotting leaves and plant more easily exposed to the disease.
If the weather is dry and hot, the plants may need watering every day.
4. Give the water-soluble fertilizer as soon as possible after the plant is placed in pots. Mix 2 tablespoons of 5-10-5 fertilizer into three liters of water.
Pour a mixture of fertilizers in the soil around the plant. Give fertilizer again when the tomatoes first appeared, then two weeks after the first ripe tomato, and one month thereafter.
5. Harvest when ripe cherry tomatoes and skin still feels tight. Cherry tomatoes ready to eat.

Similarly, a few gardening tips that can give for your admin, perhaps with the above tips you can apply to plant Cherry Tomatoes in your home. Read also tips on how to plant the other in the way of gardening.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Planting and cultivating way Chrysanthemum and Benefits

Gardening Tips - Chrysanthemums, flowers in November, autumn flowers. Currently if you walk into a garden in France, or to the flower shop, the yard, the chrysanthemum plant is the dominant visible.

Chrysanthemum is one of the plants that have good prospects for cultivated and used as a source of income. Therefore Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum or that have a Latin name Chrysanthemum series is to get the first turn plant flowers / plants that are discussed here. Please be listened to, yeecch.

Planting and cultivating way Chrysanthemum and Benefits

Chrysanthemum flowers are still brothers with flowers Aster, Daisy, same as entering the family Asteraceae. Chrysanthemum superiority lies in the cropping period is short and the price is stable, diversity of colors and forms of flowers, as well as a cut flower, chrysanthemum can hold more than 2 weeks in a vase. Chrysanthemum pots can even last up to a few months.

Chrysanthemum flower is actually native to East Asia, such as Korea, Japan and northern China but is now more widely grown in European countries and America. Chrysanthemums in France called Chrysanthème, a flower associated with grief and death. White chrysanthemum widely used for funerals, and also on November 1 at the time of the celebration of La Toussaint (All Saints), Chrysanthemum colors to decorate graves overrun. If in Indonesia grandfather Chrysanthemum flowers at a wedding using that for too huh? In the United States it's also grandfather Chrysanthemum flowers to cheer.

Cultivation Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum plants are very suitable to be planted on land with a height between 700-1200 above sea level (asl). For areas with high rainfall, planting should be done in house building plastic, because chrysanthemums not withstand exposure to water.

For this flower flowering takes light longer, hence the need to help the light from fluorescent lamp and incandescent lamps. Irradiating the kindest in the middle of the night between the hours of 22:30 to 1:00 a.m. with 150 watt lamps for area 9 square meters, and the lights are installed at 1.5 meters from the ground. Period lighting installation is done until vegetative phase (2-8 weeks) to encourage the formation of flowers.

The best air temperature for the tropics such as Indonesia is between 20-26 degrees Celsius. Tolerant of air temperature to keep growing is 17-30 degrees Celsius. The chrysanthemum nursery need high humidity to the early formation of root seedlings from cuttings which ranges from 90-95%, while RH for young plants to maturity between 70-80 percent, offset by adequate air circulation.

Chrysanthemum plants began flowering at the age of 10-14 weeks after planting, depending on the type varieties. When the harvest is most appropriate for a standard chrysanthemum is when the flowers have bloomed half or 3-4 days before full bloom. Chrysanthemum sprai types can be harvested when 75-80% of the whole flower in the stalk has been in full bloom. Chrysanthemum seedlings can be obtained by planting the shoot cuttings and when cooled on a large scale, the use of tissue culture techniques.

Chrysanthemums can be driven its production by using a special treatment in the form of the disposal of the growing point (pincing), thinning the plants and the provision of plant growth regulator (PGR).

Olala why so too technically yes, how chrysanthemum flower care tips for mothers who only want to plant a tree or 2 alone? Easy. If the shipment can cut chrysanthemum, after once weekly to enjoy the flowers, do not waste, cut the stems 5-7 cm, if necessary give growth hormone (eg Rootone) continues tancepin in the pot, let the daily eleven also already grown roots and can be transferred to the pot or yard to the house. It could also be of the seed grains ./ who purchased Dlm sanchet. Sow the seeds in the media chaff, sand, soil berhumus and manure in the ratio 1: 1: 1: 1. That the media is free of spoilage bacteria, steamed media before use. Siramin regularly, give fertilizer as follows: the growth period (up to two months) and a great give a complete fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. When the plants showed flowers, use a fertilizer with high levels of P (phosphate) high to stimulate the emergence of flowers., Three months later was able to enjoy a beautiful chrysanthemum flower.

Chrysanthemum benefits for health

Chrysanthemum type or Chrysanthemum indicum Chrysanthemum morifolium, which color can be white or yellow chrysanthemum tea Chrysanthemum Tea ato Usefulness to cure influenza, acne and treat heartburn and sore throat. Bole also for drug fever, hot and watery eyes, pusing2 as well as to clean the liver.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Rice Planting way Correctly

Agriculture - Most Asian societies consume rice, to meet the needs of carbohydrates. This means that demand for rice as the basic ingredient of rice is still very necessary, for the majority of the Indonesian people. Therefore, the chances of rice cultivation is still very, and will continue to be promising. Concomitant increase in the number of residents in each country in Asia.

You have to know how to grow rice is good and right, to be able to produce crops are encouraging. Should plant rice done really - really, is not only used as a side busyness. So you really - really take care of your rice plants with a maximum, of course in order to produce a bountiful harvest.

Usually farmers in Java after rice is grown in the fields, they then wander into town became a construction worker for several months while waiting for the harvest. Precisely this is what causes their yields less than the maximum. Rice plants are not well cared for, pests and diseases are unknown, abandoned by their owners due to migrate to the city.

It is indeed not entirely wrong Farmers. Government seem less concerned with the welfare Farmers also took part there, so farmers prefer berurbanisasi to the city to meet the needs of the kitchen. Long-term effects of our own was felt. What is now Indonesia has been importing rice from Vietnam and Thailand although he said Indonesia is the State Agricultural.

So that you are successful harvest and abundant, learn how to plant rice the following carefully:

1. Soil treatment 

  • The first step is how to plant rice, clear the land of weeds and undergrowth with a machete, collect after it was burned.
  • Land flow with water to facilitate the process of piracy in order to obtain land soil loose and soft. This processing can use a tractor, plow power assisted cow or buffalo, or using a hoe.
  • After the loose soil, flood the area with water until the water reaches a height of 5-10 cm. How to regulate the water level can be a way to open and close access exit and entry of irrigation. Let stand for 2 weeks stagnant water so that the soil is getting muddy, and poison the soil neutralized by the water.
For more details, you can see picture below how to plant rice, in the processing of land.

Soil Treatment

2. Superior Seed Selection

How to plant the next rice after the land is prepared, choosing a winning candidate seeds so your rice yields in line with expectations. You can tell if the rice seedlings superior or not by:
  • Soak the rice seeds about - about 100 eggs in the water for approximately 2 hours.
  • Put the seeds that have been soaked on cloth that has been dampened, then count the seeds that germinated. If the germination is more than 90 grains, it means that the seeds of high quality and suitable for use as seed rice cultivation you.
To know how to plant rice seedlings seeds are good, you can see below

Rice Seeds Soaked

3. Seedbed

How to plant the next rice seeds after elected, is the nursery stage. For that several steps you can take are as follows:
  • Soak rice seeds during the day and night, drain and leave for 2 days to germinate
  • Prepare seedbed approximately 500 m2 for every 1 hectare of rice fields. Try to keep the seedbed conditions remain watery or muddy.
  • Give fertilizer on a seedbed with a dose of 10 g of urea plus 10 grams of TSP (the dose for each 1 m2 seedbed).
  • Plant seeds that have germinated rice earlier in the prepared seedbed. How to plant rice seed is sprinkled evenly with the seeding of land, which you have prepared.
Look at pictures of seed, you need to know as step way of planting rice seedlings.

Seedbed Rice

4. Stages How To Grow

The next stage in the way of growing rice after the process is a nursery seedlings, planting phase of the rice seedlings, into the rice fields that have been prepared.

Step-by-step how to plant rice, namely by transferring seedlings from the nursery to the wetland. Here are the steps how to plant rice you need to consider:
  • Seedlings ready for planting is to be young. Character is new, leafy seedlings two to three strands, and the planting of seedlings should be no more than 2 weeks (ideal 12 days).
  • How to grow rice in the planting hole, can be done by a single double mupun. One hole, for a maximum of two crop plants.
  • The process of planting rice seedlings the good that is, land in stagnant water conditions, depth of planting between 1-15 cm, not too deep, the roots betuk like the letter (L), so that the roots can grow perfectly.
A good way of growing rice should be done in parallel and tidy. For more details, you can refer to the image below:

Stages How To Grow
We recommend how to plant rice in one year, worked two phases, the first in October and the second in mid-April media.

5. weeding Land

Cleaning of paddy fields from weeds and weeds that interfere, is an important step that must be done in the way of growing rice is good and right.

Weeding can be started at the age of the planting period was the age of 3 weeks and, following routine weeding once every 3 weeks. Weeding is recommended by pulling weeds or weeds by hand or using a tool.

6. Fertilization

The perfect way of growing rice can not be separated from the stage of fertilizer that Rice can grow perfectly planted and bear much fruit. To stage the fertilizer can provide by way of:
  • The first stages of fertilization, you do while the plant is 7-15 days after planting. Type of fertilizer that you can use are Urea and TSP. Dose 100: 50 Kg / Hectare.
  • Fertilization stage to the two made when plants are 25-30 days old. You use the type of urea fertilizer 50 kg / ha and Phonska 100 kg / ha.
  • And last fertilization to three, plant age 40-45 days. You still use urea, and added Za. The dose is 50: 50 Kg / Ha

7. Rice Plant Protection Against Pests

Some pests that attack rice plants, such as mice, cricket - cricket, javelin, belalalng, walang rice pest, until the hopper. The recommended pest control is the natural way that maintains predators that can inhibit the development of the pest in question.

Thus the extermination of snakes in the area of rice fields that are considered harmful to humans is actually the action is not appropriate, because in fact the snake habitat can suppress proliferation of rat that can interfere with your rice plants.

Rice Plant Protection Against Pests
Natural pest control is safe enough, for the survival of natural ecosystems. However, if the pest can not be resolved, then as a final step you can use pesticides.

8. Harvest Time

Sign - a sign that the rice crop was ready for harvest are as follows:
  • Grain already yellow
  • Fruit rice already look down because it was filled with rice.

The harvesting process can use a serrated sickle and striper. To avoid losing significant yield rice yields are attempting Harvest between you timely, and immediately Ruin paddy after harvesting. Also use mats or tarpaulins as the base so that rice yields are not spread where - where.

Here is a picture of rice ready for harvest and the harvesting process, as a final step how to grow rice.
Harvest Rice Time
Similarly, how to plant rice is good and right, so that you will get the results in line with expectations. Let Budayakan rice planting a good way, so that the results are plentiful, and the State we can be self-sufficient in rice, no import!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tips for Choosing and Caring type Indoor Ornamental Plants

Gardening Tips & Home Gardenig - Ornamental plants that could be categorized as a type of indoor ornamental plants must have survival in the room. Hold at room temperature. Hold at low humidity, relatively few weather flow and also must be able to adjust the air-conditioned room. Resilience in the room throughout the two-week minimum.

The survival of a wide variety of ornamental plants in your home or office space is also defined by the planting medium used. Planting medium for ornamental indoor plants must have a porous character, which can hold less water. Planting medium that is fitting husk fuel, chopped fern, cocopeat or combinations according to the type of plants that will be planted. Also needs to be supplemented leaf humus or manure that has been processed.

Tips for Choosing and Caring type Indoor Ornamental Plants
Some examples of the type of list for indoor ornamental plants are popular for example Dendrobium Orchid months and Phaeleonopsis or known as a plant that fussy and difficult to grow, palms of the palm family, known by the Latin name palmae, Spathiphyllum or Lily, fern with hairy leaves and great textured, authurium which exotis, betel ivory with a strong durability and Massangeana Cane, better known as Andong interest in Indonesia.

In addition to plant itself there are many rental services leaves of ornamental plants and flowers that can be found but not all types of ornamental plants placed in a room fit for indoor. There are many requirements to facilitate determining the ornamental plants that can be used as an ornamental plant in the room. Requirements that need to be taken into account:

1. Based on the type and function as indoor ornamental plants.

No ornamental plants ornamental flowering plants and ornamental plants are not flowering or ornamental plants commonly called leaf. Flowering ornamental plants enjoyed for its beauty bungannya eg orchids, Adenium, roses. Leaves of ornamental plants enjoyed because of the beauty of the style and color of the leaves, such as anthurium, Aglaonema, sanseviera. Ornamental plant species that can be used as indoor ornamental plants plenty of ornamental plants leaves. But there are also ornamental plants can flower as indoor ornamental plants. But there were not as many leaves of ornamental plants.

Functions as an indoor ornamental plants assortment. Ornamental plants are placed in the room for what it is. As limiting the view, as beautify the corner of the room. To sweetener or beautify the room, ornamental plants used must meet criteria such as leafy unique and beautifully colored. Meanwhile, as a room divider ornamental plants that used to be quite large and leafy. Some ornamental plants that can be used as indoor ornamental plants are: from flowering ornamental plants; anthurium flowers, begonia, spathiphylum, orchids. Leaves of ornamental plants; andiantum, Aglaonema, sanseviera, caladium, philodendron, Cordyline, Dracaena etc.

2. Based durability of the plant.

Ornamental plants having resistance different to the environment. Such as light intensity, humidity, air circulation and temperature. Ornamental plants that will withstand low light intensity can be used as indoor ornamental plants. Also resistant to air dry with little circulation and resistant to moderate temperatures and differences in day and night temperatures are extreme. However, that does not mean these plants indoors hold forever. Crop rotation is still needed. At least 2 weeks once the rotation is done. Of indoor ornamental plants placed back outside. With the aim to provide freshness and to keep them growing well. Because photosynthesis of plants still need sunlight.

3. Based on plant care system.

Differences ornamental plant resistance to the environment, making the ornamental plants have different care systems. Average of ornamental plants that require high solar intensity has the most easy-care system. Nevertheless types of indoor ornamental plants, there is also a need for intensive care and there are easy to maintain.
Hobyis recommended for beginners in determining the indoor ornamental plants to look for the little and easy maintenance. Easy maintenance means maintenance activities ornamental plants is easy and quickly done by anyone. Who counted indoor ornamental plants easily treated: sanseviera, dracaena, philodendron. To that needs intensive care: Aglaonema, anthurium, calladium, orchid.

Collection of indoor ornamental plants is indeed easy easy difficult, and takes patience. But it has its own satisfaction, as well as the satisfaction of seeing plants that could carry into the house is also up to the bedroom. Indeed in terms of treatment costs little above the plants to the outdoors. However, this indoor ornamental plants have their own business opportunity that is "Ornamental plants Rental Business". Which this time showed increasing trend. For office, hospital, or seminar as well as weddings. How about you ... ??? Want to try ... !!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Planting and Caring Tips Cactus in the room

Gardening Tips & Home Gardening - Methods, planting media, and pots used for growing cactus as well as important information about how to care and proper positioning cactus. Once we understand the various types of cacti that exist, maybe now some of us are getting interested to plant at home. Yes, cactus is a plant that is very flexible and easy in maintenance, so many people who choose this plant as an ornamental stau home page. With its diverse and maintenance quite easy, making this plant can be found in almost every home - a house in Indonesia.

But, what if we chose to put the cactus in the room? Will cactus can grow well in the room? It is not unusual for us to doubt this. Therefore, putting plants indoors means setting up plants to be resistant to lack of exposure to sunlight and humidity where not all the plants resistant to it. Fortunately, cacti belonging to one of the plants that can grow and develop properly, despite being in the room. Thus, this plant is suitable placed in the office, in the room, the living room, up to the room - the other room. 

Planting and Caring Tips Cactus in the room
But in growing cacti in the room, there must be steps - specific steps in the process of planting and care that we must look. Here are some tips on caring for and put a cactus in the room.

Materials - materials that must be prepared: 
  1. Cactus / cacti seedlings will be planted
  2. Pots made of clay
  3. The planting media (leaf - dry leaves, pumice, coir, perlite, etc.)

Beautiful Room With Cactus

Steps - steps should be taken: 

1. Prepare a pot made of clay

For a cactus plant that will be placed in the room, the pot should be used is a pot made of clay. But, here is not just any pot pot, but the pot is made a little rough and does not need to be coated. In addition, select a pot that can be easily dried with an optimal drainage systems. This can be obtained by choosing pots that there are many holes in the bottom.

2. Prepare the planting medium

Given cactus is a plant that used to live on dry land, of course, planting medium is required to grow these plants a little unique. To create the proper planting medium, mix materials - materials such as dry leaves, perlite, soil, loose soil, coir, sand, and stone paung. Once the material - the material is mixed, put into a pot and give a distance of 2 inches between the planting medium with the upper limit of the pot. It is intended to provide space for a cactus in order to grow.

If you are the type of cactus plant is a type of cactus that can be flowering, should replace this pot 2 years since the first flowering cactus. The goal, in a new place later the cactus could be given the space to grow wider with the composition of the material - material that better planting medium.

3. Irrigation / Watering

Cactus is a plant that used to live in a dry climate and lack of water. So, you should not need to frequently - often to water this plant. Perform a maximum of once a week to keep the stem to keep it moist. However, note the intensity, not to use too much water to overflow.

If the cactus is placed in the room to use the heater or air conditioner, cactus may need to be watered more often. Therefore, these two devices can absorb moisture and water content on a cactus, cactus makes dry quickly. To ascertain whether the cactus already needs watering or not, we can test it by inserting your finger into the soil as deep as half a inch. If the soil feels dry, then certainly cactus needs watering.

in watering cactus, start from the point - the point is dry. Although it does not require much water, but be sure not to diminish the intensity of the water. If you do not want the water spilling from the pot, preferably Ceramic by extending the interval watering a few times so that the water is absorbed by the ground, and then we add more water as needed.

4. Place the cactus in locations exposed to sunlight

As usual plants, cactus certainly also need sunlight to help the process of photosynthesis. Then, place the plant in an area exposed to direct sunlight, for example on the edge or bottom of the window. Spot - the best place to put this cactus for example around the bay window, in the atrium, or in other areas full sun exposure.


  • Step - step planting and care cactus above are the general steps. some specific types of cactus may require different treatment as well as additional material to keep it growing.
  • You can occasionally add a fertilizer for plants can develop more leverage.
  • The above method is a method for planting and care cactus indoors. For cactus placed outdoors, methods, treatments, types of pots and planting medium is required certainly different.

Good luck :)